The Best Day Ever

The Best Day Ever Sarah Gibson

Last Saturday was a gorgeous spring day for Wisconsin. As neighbors, we all seemed to unearth from our winter hibernations and return to the great outdoors. It was not only lovely, it was one of those best day ever kind of days. As I thought about why it felt that way for me, I realized the day’s activities weren’t all that different from other days, but my attitude was. It started me wondering why that was.

Serving Others

As I said, the day’s activities weren’t all that different. We helped a neighbor, went to a dance recital for a friend’s daughter, hosted dinner for our kids and their friends. That’s a normal weekend day for us. However, what did make the day different was the why of our actions.

We helped a neighbor haul away branches from a downed tree. It was something she couldn’t do by herself, and we had the capacity to help. We went to the dance recital because we wanted to support our friend’s daughter. We hosted dinner to show our support for a project these kids were doing.

Everything that day was focused on serving someone else. By the end of the day, my heart was full. Serving others – focusing on someone besides myself was so freeing. No wonder research shows that generosity is one of the best things for our attitudes and minds.

For more information check out this article from Medical News Today on the impact of generosity on our brains and attitudes.

How To Serve Others In The Workplace

This experience got me thinking, how do I build more service and generosity into my workday? Here’s what I came up with for me:

  • Reframe the idea of sales to the concept of serving.
  • Share articles with others related to their jobs and projects.
  • Reach out on birthdays, anniversaries or key dates to let someone know how much you appreciate them.
  • Write a hand-written note to let them know how their words, examples or questions have shaped you professionally.
  • Go the extra mile because you can, not because you have to.

How would my work attitude change if I were able to serve more or to be more generous daily? I suspect there would be a significant boost in the number of best days ever during my week. Today, as I write this and think about last Saturday, I still get that warm, fulfilled feeling.

That leaves me wondering for myself and asking of you, “Where can we serve and be more generous today?”

I’d love to hear your stories and examples as you try this out in the coming week!


Keynote speaker, trainer, and consultant, Sarah Gibson, helps organizations leverage the power of communication, teamwork, and diversity to improve engagement and transform teams. To buy her book or inquire about her speaking programs, please visit