Empathy for the Win! Sarah Gibson

Empathy for the Win!

When I say planes and toddlers, what do you think? Most of us think, “Please not me. Don’t make me sit by the parent and child!” We know what’s going to happen, that child is going to cry, wiggle, fuss and make the trip seem even longer than it is. What if we approach situations […]

Sorting Feedback into Truth, Trash & Treasure Sarah Gibson

Sorting Feedback into Truth, Trash & Treasure

We’ve all been there. Someone gives us feedback (often unsolicited), and we need to decide what to do with it. It’d be great if all the feedback was positive, but when it’s not, there’s a simple construct that can help us sort and process. Let’s explore this construct – the truth, trash and treasure principles. […]

Listen to Your Gut Sarah Gibson

Listen to Your Gut

Have you ever been there? That place where you know, deep in your gut, that this is the right decision. Or this is the wrong decision. It’s a base-level, physiological gut reaction to a decision or circumstance. Last week I didn’t listen to my gut. I walked away from something remembering why I don’t like […]

Women on the beach
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Thankful this Week for Boomer Women

I want to give a thankful shout out to the Baby Boomer women in my life. Those who have sacrificed to create a workplace where women are contributing and thriving. Men, I’m thankful for you too…just saying before I get emails and comments. For our Boomer women, there’s a lot you did and sacrificed so […]

The Problem with Dandelions on Our Teams Sarah Gibson

The Problem with Dandelions on Our Teams

Dandelions – I’ve been obsessed with removing them from my lawn for several years. My neighbors likely snicker as they see me avenging the grass with my root digger and gardening gloves. And as this year’s crop sprung out with the spring rains this past week, it reminded me how dandelions and unhealthy team conflict […]