Kindness and Persistence – Key Distinguishers in Customer Service 

Customer service. It can be magical, and it can be horrifying – on both the giving and receiving side. If there was one thing that made customer service magical, what would be the distinguishing factors be? From what I’ve seen and experienced, I think two key pieces to making customer service magical for both the giver and receiver is persistence and kindness. 

Kindness Is Key

When we approach customer service with kindness and empathy, with a needed push of persistence, we can figure things out together. For example, when you see an exhausted desk clerk being harassed by the customer in front of you and when you step up to the counter and say, “It looks like it’s been a long day. How are you doing?” you’ll see the clerk instantly perk up.  

My daughter is often amazed at how this small act of kindness produces additional perks, like car or hotel upgrades. While that’s not my purpose in doing it. It shows how appreciative the clerks are when you empathize and offer kindness in your initial hello.  

In times when I’ve been the one offering customer service to others, they appreciate the kindness, but they are also extremely appreciative when I can be persistent in solving their problem. If one solution doesn’t work, we brainstorm how else we could solve the problem. The solution isn’t always easy, but persistently pursuing the solution produces satisfied clients.  


Persistence came to my rescue the other day at our cell phone store. The service reps weren’t able to solve my problem, even after calling the national customer service line. However, they creatively worked to get me a connection to the regional manager, who in a matter of minutes was able to solve the problem. Rather than giving up and saying my problem was impossible, their persistence saved the day.  

The same principles of kindness and persistence are true for our teams – who are our internal customers. When we empathize with someone who is in a difficult spot in their work (without making it a gripe session), and we problem solve solutions with them, everyone is happier and more productive.  

And who doesn’t need a little more kindness and persistence in their lives? This week, I challenge you, to think of ways you can serve one another on your teams through excellent customer service. I’d love to hear your examples and results as you magical customer service internally or externally! 


It’s good to be back everyone! My summer blogging break was filled with strategic planning, connection and time away. I’m looking forward to our continued journey together as we approach blog 100! 


Keynote speaker, trainer, and consultant, Sarah Gibson, helps organizations leverage the power of communication, teamwork and diversity to improve engagement and transform teams. To buy her book or inquire about her speaking programs, please visit