Shoring Up Our Weaknesses Sarah Gibson

Shoring Up Our Weaknesses

Where are you weak? Are you ready for my giant list of weaknesses? If I told you all the spots I needed help shoring up my weaknesses, there wouldn’t be any room left for the rest of the message today. On the work side, one of my many weaknesses is inattention to detail. If you […]

Sarah Gibson Because We Can’t Do Anything We Want, No Matter How Hard We Try

Because We Can’t Do Anything We Want, No Matter How Hard We Try

One of my favorite movies of all time is Disney’s Monster’s University, the prequel to Monsters Inc. Why is this one of my favorites? Because it teaches that we can’t do anything we want, no matter how hard we try. This is counter to almost all inspirational messages, and for me, the limitations are freeing. […]

You Only Know What You Know Sarah Gibson

You Only Know What You Know

This week, I gave my daughter a bottle of unopened vitamins. When she opened the bottle, she said sincerely and confusedly, “I’m supposed to take cotton?” To which I said, “No honey, we don’t take or eat cotton. Cotton cushions the pills inside the bottle.” While this is funny, it reminds us that we only […]