Sarah Gibson addresses the losses during the Coronavirus

Two Contradictory Things that are True at the Same Time

The past month has left many of us feeling at a loss as we navigate many new things in our world. New things like working from home, virtual schooling or taking care of children full-time, finding new norms at home and new rhythms for our lives. For many of us, it’s felt like we have […]

Gifts Found in Our Chaos

Most of the people I’ve talked to feel like it’s been months since last Saturday. So much has changed and continues changing for all of us amidst this pandemic. Even with all the difficult pieces we are trying to figure out – there are gifts found in our chaos. Perspective As the week has unfolded […]

Sarah Gibson addresses the art of small talk

The Art of Small Talk

Ending Awkward Conversations Having had more than my share of awkward conversations over the past few weeks, my husband and I hauled our kids out to dinner with the intent of teaching them the art of small talk. (Don’t you wish you were our kids?) Why did we torture them with this activity? Because the […]

Sarah Gibson addresses getting to know people authentically.

How do I become more like that?

Ever met someone who took others for who they are – fully and unconditionally? That’s my mother-in-law, Ruth. I saw this in action at her 80th birthday party this week. She’s an extraordinary woman who graciously loves all who cross her path no matter their story, background, current life circumstances. It’s one of the things […]

Sarah Gibson talks about how to fill your tank.

What Fills My Tank?

My daughter is creative, and not just a little creative. She’s creative in her soul. Last semester, between sports and school, she had little time for this creativity. Over the holiday break, we would watch her disappear into the craft room and simply create. This time spent doing what her soul loves filled her tank. […]

Help button

Learning to Ask for Help

Learning to Ask for Help is a blog from a few years back, which I found to resonate still today. I’ve modified the content slightly, however, it was also a reminder that I have themes and areas where I will always struggle and I need to revisit what I’ve learned on an ongoing basis. Asking […]

Sarah Gibson asks what you want more of this year.

What Do You Want More of this Year?

The concept of motivating others through the carrot or the stick concept came up this week. You can motivate a horse by dangling a carrot in front of the horse to make it move toward your goal or you can hit it with a stick to force it to move. Not sure about you, but the carrot generally […]

Sarah Gibson talks about the Good Enough concept.

The Good Enough Years

When our children were little, I always thought if I wrote a parenting book about those preschool years, I’d call it The Good Enough Years. I washed their face and now it was once again smeared with peanut butter. Good enough. We walked out the door with clothes on, not cute, adorable matching clothes, but […]

Sarah Gibson addresses what do to on an unexpected stop.

Unexpected Stop on Your Train of Life

Ever had an unexpected stop on your train of life? That abrupt moment when you have a goal or destination in mind, but your train grinds to a halt and there you sit? That happened to me this week and it left me wondering, “What do I do now?” It’s a question worth exploring as […]

Sarah Gibson is a champion for others.

Be A Champion for Others

Have you ever had someone champion for you? Truly champion? Someone who went out of their way to encourage you, to help you develop skills, to open doors for you? This week I’ve been reflecting on those who have championed me and it’s reminded me why I want to be a champion for others. The […]