Sarah Gibson talks about creating purpose and vision for our teams.
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Why Purpose is Powerful

We all want to know our lives matter. We all long for purpose. In corporate America, this translates into our vision and mission. There’s a great Bible verse that says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” When we don’t realize how what we do makes a difference, we lose hope. We perish. The […]

Sarah Gibson discusses the career ladder vs. the career lattice.
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Why the Career Ladder is Dead

In the words of George Jefferson from the television show, The Jeffersons, “Well we’re movin on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up, to the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie.” That’s a generational throwback for you from the mid-70s, and it’s a […]

Sarah Gibson talks about how to have the awkward, but necessary conversations.
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Addressing the awkward conversation!

Goodness knows we all face awkward scenarios. Once I had a gentleman pass out in one of my classes. Like faint, hit his head on the door, then the floor kind of falling. We got him medical attention and he ultimately rejoined the group later that day. As he returned to the class, you could […]

Sarah Gibson talks about how success looks different for everyone and that's ok!
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Success Looks Different for Everyone

I had a really amazing opportunity come up this week. This opportunity will look fantastic on my accomplishments and will widen the door to my national work platform. Now that sounds impressive, however, just because that’s what success looks like for me, doesn’t mean that if you don’t do national work you are unsuccessful. We […]